opening hours
opening hours
daytime | from the inside:
painting, drawing, sculpture, light art, object art
Tue - Sun 11 am - 5 pm
Pentecost 11 am - 5 pm
closed on Dec. 24th, 25th, and 31st
Dec. 26th 11 am - 5 pm
Jan. 1st 11 pm - 5 pm
nighttime | from the outside:
international light art
daily starting at nightfall
Illumination (foyer cube):
Every evening between 5 pm and 10 am, every full hour for several minutes the light of the foyer cube changes its color from red, to orange, to gold, to blue to violet.
admission fees
entrance 8,00 €
reduced: groups (15 and more / per person), students, holders of "Ehrenamtskarte" und the last 60 min before closing time 5,00 €
combined ticket (Residence, Bomann and Art Museum, valid for two consecutive days) 12 €
combined ticket reduced 8,00 €
Children up to the age of 14 and pupils: free entry.
Free entrance for the following members:
Freundeskreis Kunstmuseum Celle mit Sammlung Robert Simon, Museumsverein Celle e.V., Museumsverband Niedersachsen und Bremen e.V., Deutscher Museumsbund, ICOM, VDR, Bundesverband der Gästeführer in Deutschland e.V.